gaming, Local Coop, review

Couch Coop for Couples

Hey everyone, Ryoh here again with another Couch Coop for Couples. Today I’m looking at Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate.


Nevia, and I have spent countless hours on this game; Even owning it on multiple consoles. It is a cute little tower defense game. I find it hard to find a TD with Coop; So this was a great experience for us. Each player controls their own tiki man; Therefore allowing you to run around as you please. The goal is to protect all of your babies. You can pass a level while letting some die, but that’s just messed up; Those poor dead babies.


It truly is a great game; For gamers, and non-gamers alike. It has a simplicity about it that is hard to match. Early on it can be a cake walk, but expect quite a challenge near the end. Especially if you refuse to let any of your kids die!

There are not very many tower types, but this adds to the simplicity; Without being a major problem. Upgrading is a cinch as well. All you have to do is stand on the tower, and your Tiki will do a little jig; Boom tower upgrading action! It is even accompanied by a little song.

My only complaints are that some content is single player only, and I was extremely bothered by the fact that you can’t fast forward. This didn’t bother Nevia as much, but when you are trying to perfect a stage, and one golem gets through… The only time I had to stop playing was frustration; Due to this. Also Shields, but I am not going into that.

Overall I would give Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate a 9/10. Play it with your significant other, or a good friend! Thanks for reading.

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