
Brawlhalla, fan art, gaming

Ragnir with Dragon Form


Hey everyone, I’m back with another picture by Nevia! She couldn’t decide if she wanted to draw dragon form, or humanoid form Ragnir; So she drew both! Dragon form Ragnir was based on the concept art BMG posted. This is definitely my favorite picture!

Our straw poll has concluded, and Ulgrim has proven his superiority over his peers! If you have any ideas for the Ulgrim drawing; let me hear them. I will be conducting another poll soon; So make sure you comment your requests!

gaming, Local Coop, review

Couch Coop for Couples

Hey everyone, Ryoh here again with another Couch Coop for Couples. Today I’m looking at Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate.


Nevia, and I have spent countless hours on this game; Even owning it on multiple consoles. It is a cute little tower defense game. I find it hard to find a TD with Coop; So this was a great experience for us. Each player controls their own tiki man; Therefore allowing you to run around as you please. The goal is to protect all of your babies. You can pass a level while letting some die, but that’s just messed up; Those poor dead babies.


It truly is a great game; For gamers, and non-gamers alike. It has a simplicity about it that is hard to match. Early on it can be a cake walk, but expect quite a challenge near the end. Especially if you refuse to let any of your kids die!

There are not very many tower types, but this adds to the simplicity; Without being a major problem. Upgrading is a cinch as well. All you have to do is stand on the tower, and your Tiki will do a little jig; Boom tower upgrading action! It is even accompanied by a little song.

My only complaints are that some content is single player only, and I was extremely bothered by the fact that you can’t fast forward. This didn’t bother Nevia as much, but when you are trying to perfect a stage, and one golem gets through… The only time I had to stop playing was frustration; Due to this. Also Shields, but I am not going into that.

Overall I would give Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate a 9/10. Play it with your significant other, or a good friend! Thanks for reading.

gaming, Local Coop, Sonic

Couch Coop for Couples with Ryoh

Hey everyone, Here at The Couch Coople; We know how hard it can be to find a good Local Cooperative Game. At least I do; Nevia just waits for me to find the games. However; I have managed to compile a number of different games; From many genres. That Nevia, and I have enjoyed over the years! Today I want to look at: Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed.

Sonic image

I know that a racing game seems like an odd choice, but hear me out. This game has a massive mission mode; With both races, and varying missions; Such as fighting a boss with missiles,  dodging cars, and my favorite; Drifting for time stages! This game plays almost like; Mario Kart meets F-Zero. The speeds you can reach; As you get better are insane. Not too mention the transforming vehicles; Which are nice, but I think I would have preferred more car only tracks. I know that was Nevia’s main complaint!


Now to be fair; You are both just racing on the same track, but imagine Mario Kart. Now instead of every computer aiming every single item at you; Every computer will be aiming every item at both of you!  You can also try to work together, or at least try not to hit each other. As long as one of you wins; Then you both win at the mission. The character selection is great as well.


From Shadow to Shogun!


Even Crazy Taxi makes an appearance!

They all have their own unique Special moves as well. Even without the Couch Coop elements; I think this game would be great, but with them; I think it manages to be one of the best racers on the PC.


The tracks are great too, but I could use more of them! They are pulled from all over the Sega universe; Skies of Arcadia to Golden Axe!

If you are looking for a fun game to play with your significant other; Check this one out. It is pretty cheap on steam! Expect a challenge if you play on hard or extreme though; Those missions get crazy! Check back next time where I look at another game to play on The Couch!