Brawlhalla, fan art, gaming

Unexpected Company Late for an Unexpected Party

Hobbiton Movie Set

“Ulgrim had pounded on the door, but to no avail. It was past midday now, and Bilbo had already been gone for over an hour: “I thought Gandalf said Thursday tea-time.” He grumbled, “If that wizard would speak clearly for once; Then this wouldn’t have happened.” With that Ulgrim decided he should return to Valhalla. Wizards were too confusing, and he still had some armor to finish!”

Nevia had to draw Ulgrim for her poll. She didn’t really want too, but I hope everyone likes it! I think it turned out great. The first book I read was The Hobbit; So I love that she drew a picture like this!

I have started our next poll. So if you want to help decide her next picture; Make sure you cast your vote! Check that out here, and make sure you let us know what you think!

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